What drew you to LEAD?
I started Pilates when I was living in Australia, while recovering from a back injury. Before moving to Saskatoon, I did extensive online research on the different Pilates studios in Saskatoon and Lead appealed to me because of all the great class options that were on the schedule. What kept me coming back was the friendly staff, challenging classes, and their ability to translate why I need Pilates in my life every day.
What do you love most about working with clients?
LEAD attracts the best clients! Every single client makes it rewarding to teach Pilates. I love seeing client’s bodies change from class to class, their dedication to moving their bodies better, and hearing about how much they love Pilates and how it is changing their day-to-day lives. Clients remind me why I LOVE PILATES SOOOO MUCH!
What is your favourite class?
My favourite class is the full mat repertoire because of the flow and challenge. I am also in love with the trapeze table because a lot of the mat exercises translate so well on that piece of equipment.
What don’t we know about you that you would like to share?
Joseph Pilates is pretty cool, but I have had a lifelong crush on Jane Fonda.
Do you have any words of wisdom?
Smile. Laugh. Move.